Monday Jun 15, 2020
How To Be Hope Hopeful- Season 1- Episode 11- "Finding The Golden Moments"
Monday Jun 15, 2020
Monday Jun 15, 2020
How To Be Hopeful Season 1 Episode 11 “Finding the Golden Moments”
Welcome to my podcast about hope. This week I speak with Denis Kane, who is project manager at Penfold Community Hub in West London. Penfold is a residential unit primarily for older people with long term health conditions such as dementia and Parkinson’s. The wider community is invited in to the hub to take part in the wide range of activities that take place there, including gardening, Zumba, sewing, art, cooking, choir and theatre to name a few!
Denis talks beautifully about the tremendous value of community and how it gives him hope “I see hope all over the place, particularly in my work… working with amazing people and amazing projects. I have found tremendous hope in how resilient people have been. I slightly lose hope when I think about politics, but I don’t when I remember projects like ours…. the simple things that can have an impact on people who are on the edge, engaging them, that gives me hope… reaching the quiet person at the back of the room who lacks confidence… this gives me hope too”
He also speaks about how all of us in the simplest of ways can engage positively with our communities and the hope to be found in small everyday actions: “It doesn’t need an emergency for us to come together as a community and take care of those who need it… contributing to your community is stopping in the street to have a chat "
Penfold Community hub is a charity and part of Notting Hill Genesis, a housing association which works to provide decent and affordable homes for lower-income households.
You can find them here: https://www.nhg.org.uk/communities/penfold-community-hub/
You can see some beautiful images of projects Penfold created in collaboration with the Royal Albert Hall here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/76734716@N08/albums/72157709571759316
And here: https://www.flickr.com/photos/76734716@N08/albums/72157709532024177
And a trailer of one of the projects here: https://www.royalalberthall.com/about-the-hall/news/2018/july/open-stages-programme-brings-together-two-communities-for-a-unique-performance-in-the-elgar-room/
More soon!
Love Bernadette
My book "How To Be Hopeful" published by Elliot and Thompson is due out September 2020. This podcast series is a chance for me to chat again to some of the people who I interviewed for the book, as well as some people who I didn't have the chance to. I hope you enjoy it.
You can find me here www.bernadetterussell.com
twitter @betterussell insta @bernadetterussell
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bernadetterussellwrites/
Monday Jun 08, 2020
How To Be Hopeful Season 1 Episode 10 "I am an advocate of hope”
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Monday Jun 08, 2020
Welcome to my podcast about hope. This week is about how we find hope even when we are dying or keeping company with someone at the end of their life- if hope is possible or helpful at such a time. To speak with me about these matters I was honoured to be joined by Nikki Jones, a palliative care nurse and make up artist. We spoke specifically about the challenges and changes that have happened in her hospice during lock down, when “we are not allowed visitors in the hospice right now…. so, it feels that the soul is taken out of it … …. a patient is telling you something so profound and you put a gloved hand out… you think it’s just not good enough… but you know it is good enough because it is what we have to do, we have to be creative and find ways around it… I work with amazing people and we support each other”
Nikki speaks about how hope comes into her work: “I am an advocate for hope. If you walked in the doors of our hospice you would find the feeling of hope is tangible. Hope doesn’t have to be a massive thing hope, can be something tiny.” She talks about how hope exists in the moment, in the present, and that her and her colleagues look for “what we can do… to make you hopeful for that moment… it might be just to smile again or for your relatives to see you smile again… hope is always there, and it carries a lot of people’s journeys”
We also spoke about the wonder of make-up, the power of simplicity, the importance of finding inner peace and the beauty of a really great cup of tea.
Nikki recommended Kathryn Mannix’s talk “Dying Is Not As Bad As You Think” which can be found here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/ideas/videos/dying-is-not-as-bad-as-you-think/p062m0xt
if you want to find out more or support Martlets Hospice in Hove you can go here: https://www.martlets.org.uk
More soon!
Love Bernadette
My book "How To Be Hopeful" published by Elliot and Thompson is due out September 2020. This podcast series is a chance for me to chat again to some of the people who I interviewed for the book, as well as some people who I didn't have the chance to. I hope you enjoy it.
You can find me here www.bernadetterussell.com
twitter @betterussell insta @bernadetterussell
Saturday May 30, 2020
WONDER episode 3- original short stories read aloud from Revelation Ashford
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
We have been working remotely with the lovely team at Revelation Ashford to create a little bit of wonder - since we won't able to do a live show until later in the year, we're sharing a taste of what we've been up to online to keep you entertained at home.
Make yourself a cuppa or something stronger and join us in Wonderland! We've created a series of short story podcasts to help us all get through these strange days. Featuring the work of local writers and read aloud by the team at White Rabbit, here for your listening pleasure.
This is the third of four podcasts in the series that will be broadcast here on the first of each month, you'll also be able to search for them on iTunes and YouTube. We'll send you a reminder each month, and you can follow us here to ensure you don't miss any
WONDER Episode three
Track 1: “Sea of Wonder” by Rannar Sillard
First story; "Wonder" by Fiona O'Brien read by Bernadette Russell
Track 2: “A Magic Moon” by Howard Harper-Barnes
Second story: "Wonder Man" by Zac Thraves read by Gareth Brierley
Track 3: “The Moon” by Illuminaries
Coming up:
"The Women On The Bus" by Jo Tandy
"OK, Daddy-long-legs and the Infinite Web" by Niamh Bagnell
"Heaven Sent" by Sue McGonigal
This new work has been made possible thanks to the funding partners of Revelation which are: Ashford Borough Council, Arts Council England, Kent County Council and The Godinton Trust.
join our mailing list here: http://www.thewhiterabbit.org.uk
Saturday May 30, 2020
How To Be Hopeful Season 1 Episode 9- Our Future Cities Will Be Forests Too
Saturday May 30, 2020
Saturday May 30, 2020
Welcome to my podcast about hope. This week is about hope in relation to architecture, and the future of urban environments.
I spoke with the amazing Peter Culley (Spatial Affairs Bureau), an architect/urbanist/naturalist based in UK and US. We chatted about architecture in connection to stories, poetry, peace, calm, and beauty. We discussed the soul of buildings, and Peter’s wonderful idea of replacing the conventional “urban overlay” with a “forest overlay”- so our cities are full of trees and mud and insects. Peter shares the incredible story of the project in Memphis he was involved with, transforming an abandoned Sears building, and the importance of not tearing everything down but working with what exists, because :” It takes 100 years for a place to get its soul back if you remove everything and start again”. We talked about the effect of COVID and how the “shock of quiet, the shock of calm, the shock of birdsong” reminds us that “the world beyond humans is absolutely fine” and that “It takes something as serious as this situation to allow radical changes to happen”
Peter and his company the Spatial Affairs Bureau can be found on twitter and insta @spatialaffairs
Or via their website www.spatialaffairsbureau.com
More soon!
Love Bernadette
My book "How To Be Hopeful" published by Elliot and Thompson is due out September 2020. This podcast series is a chance for me to chat again to some of the people who I interviewed for the book, as well as some people who I didn't have the chance to. I hope you enjoy it.
You can find me here www.bernadetterussell.com
twitter @betterussell insta @bernadetterussell
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/bernadetterussellwrites/
Monday May 25, 2020
How To Be Hopeful Season 1 Episode 8- Death is not the enemy of hope
Monday May 25, 2020
Monday May 25, 2020
Welcome to my podcast about hope! This week is about life, death and everything in between. Whilst writing my book, I thought and spoke with people a lot about we maintain hope in the face of death, and my first guests to discuss this massive subject are the brilliant Antonia Beck and Lucy Nicholls, creators of The Death Show.
Antonia and Lucy created a theatre show and a podcast to explore their own death anxiety and "to better understand our often difficult relationships with death and dying ... and discover why talking about death is ultimately life affirming".
We discuss how in the face of the certainty of death how hope can be possible , about how if how you have a fear the best policy might be to walk towards it , and the importance of hope which allows us "to keep trying, to keep going, to carry on" . We also talk about Sisyphus, animals, getting to know our neighbours better and the joy of small pleasures.
This whole first series was recorded in Deptford, SE London, during the lock down.
You can find out more about their work here
They are also on twitter @The_Death_Show, insta @the_death_show and facebook @thedeathshowbham
More soon!
Love Bernadette
My book "How To Be Hopeful" published by Elliot and Thompson is due out September 2020. This podcast series is a chance for me to chat again to some of the people who I interviewed for the book, as well as some people who I didn't have the chance to. I hope you enjoy it.
You can find me here www.bernadetterussell.com
twitter @betterussell insta @bernadetterussell
Monday May 18, 2020
Monday May 18, 2020
Welcome to my podcast about hope!
This week I speak with Ben Hogbin, a facilitator for the Wellness Recovery Action Programme about his work. We chat about hope and kindness and where we can find and maintain hope in difficult times.
This whole first series was recorded in Deptford, SE London, during the lock down.
You can find out more about Ben's work here:
he's also on twitter @Discover_Well, insta @discover_wellness_ and facebook @discover_wellness_
and more about mental health awareness week here:
and more about WRAP here: https://mentalhealthrecovery.com/wrap-is/
More soon!
Love Bernadette
My book "How To Be Hopeful" published by Elliot and Thompson is due out September 2020. This podcast series is a chance for me to chat again to some of the people who I interviewed for the book, as well as some people who I didn't have the chance to. I hope you enjoy it.
You can find me here www.bernadetterussell.com
twitter @betterussell insta @bernadetterussell
Monday May 11, 2020
How To Be Hopeful Season 1 Episode 6- The Secret Weapon Is Joy
Monday May 11, 2020
Monday May 11, 2020
Welcome to my podcast about hope!
This week I speak with Dominic Campbell about hope and getting and being older. We speak about the joy and fun that can be found in later life, about how we can “fall in love with our older selves”, the importance of language and the transformative power of the arts. There’s also an excerpt from a singalong from a sheltered housing unit in Lewisham, with ukulele from the wonderful Carys Lewis.
This whole first series was recorded in Deptford, SE London, during the lock down.
Dominic Campbell is an inaugural Atlantic Fellow for Equity and Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute a project between Trinity College Dublin and University College Southern California an ambitious worldwide program seeking social and public health solutions to reduce the scale and adverse impact of dementia. He was the Bealtaine Festival’s Director in Ireland for eight years.
If you'd like to find out more about Dominic and his projects go here:
You can find out more about Carys Lewis here: https://www.mandy.com/actor/profile/carys-lewis
More soon!
Love Bernadette
My book "How To Be Hopeful" published by Elliot and Thompson is due out September 2020. This podcast series is a chance for me to chat again to some of the people who I interviewed for the book, as well as some people who I didn't have the chance to. I hope you enjoy it.
You can find me here www.bernadetterussell.com
twitter @betterussell insta @bernadetterussell
facebook https://www.facebook.com/bernadetterussellwrites/
Monday May 04, 2020
How To Be Hopeful Season One Episode 5- Tiny Revolutions
Monday May 04, 2020
Monday May 04, 2020
What is a "tiny revolution"? Find out here!
Hello and welcome to "How To Be Hopeful" - a non fiction podcast about why hope is important, and how to find and nurture hope particularly in difficult times. Its about finding hope for ourselves, our communities and the world, and about exploring all the ways we can do this.
This whole first series was recorded in Deptford, SE London, during the lock down. In this one I chat with the amazing Stella Duffy, who does many wonderful things including being co-director of Fun Palaces, an annual festival of creativity in the community. They say: "We believe in the genius in everyone, in everyone an artist and everyone a scientist, and that creativity in community can change the world for the better.
Stella and I chatted about connectivity, the importance of play, the "people in the community who are doing amazing things day in day out and always have been... " and her project #tinyrevolution
If you'd like to find out more about Stella and Fun Palaces go here:
More soon!
Love Bernadette
My book "How To Be Hopeful" published by Elliot and Thompson is due out September 2020. This podcast series is a chance for me to chat again to some of the people who I interviewed for the book, as well as some people who I didn't have the chance to. I hope you enjoy it.
You can find me here www.bernadetterussell.com
twitter @betterussell insta @bernadetterussell
Friday May 01, 2020
WONDER episode 2- original stories read aloud from Revelation Ashford
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Happy Beltane!
We have been working with the lovely team at Revelation Ashford during lockdown to create a little bit of wonder..... since we won't able to do a live show until later in the year, we're sharing a taste of what we've been up to online to keep you entertained at home.
Make yourself a cuppa or something stronger and join us in Wonderland! We've created a series of short story podcasts to help us all get through these strange days. Featuring the work of local writers and read aloud by the team at White Rabbit, here for your listening pleasure.
This is the second of four podcasts in the series that will be broadcast here on the first of each month, you'll also be able to search for them on iTunes and Youtube. We'll send you a reminder each month, and you can follow us here to ensure you don't miss any
This second one was recorded during lock down in Deptford on 1st May 2020.
WONDER Episode Two
Track one: Sea of Wonder by Ranna Sillard
Story one: "Roger" by Malcom Dixon. Read by Bernadette Russell
Track two: "The Wonder of a Child" by Edgar Hopp
Story two: "Granny Takes A Trip" By Bella Basura. Read by Gareth Brierley
Track three: "It's a Wonder" by Headlund
Coming up!
"Wonder Man" by Zac Thraves
"Wonder" by Fiona O'Brien
"The Women On The Bus" by Jo Tandy
"OK, Daddy-long-legs and the Infinite Web" by Niamh Bagnell
"Heaven Sent" by Sue McGonigal NO! Susan Hndley??
This new work has been made possible thanks to the funding partners of Revelation which are: Ashford Borough Council, Arts Council England, Kent County Council and The Godinton Trust.
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Monday Apr 27, 2020
Hello and welcome to "How To Be Hopeful" - a non fiction podcast about why hope is important, and how to find and nurture hope particularly in difficult times. Its about finding hope for ourselves, our communities and the world, and about exploring all the ways we can do this.
This fourth episode was recorded in Deptford, SE London, during the lock down. In it I chat with choreographer, dancer and all round wonder woman, Natasha Khamjani, co-artistic director of Folk Dance Remixed, about how and why dancing is good for us and how we should all "get on our dancing shoes". Natasha has been dancing on her doorstep with neighbours and teaching family street battles- initiating loads of amazing and inspiring creative responses in the last few weeks.
My book "How To Be Hopeful" published by Elliot and Thompson is due out September 2020. This podcast series is a chance for me to chat again to some of the people who I interviewed for the book, as well as some people who I didn't have the chance to. I hope you enjoy it.
If you'd like to find out more about Natasha go here:
Check out #FolkdanceremixedFridays - spreading JOY & LAUGHTER online here: https://youtu.be/tjLbEBtZ6rM
More soon!
Love Bernadette
You can find me here www.bernadetterussell.com
twitter @betterussell insta @bernadetterussell